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How to Get the Most from Your Data List

So you’ve purchased your first data list but you’re unsure of how to optimize and get the most from your curated list. Don’t worry- this guide will walk you through the most important steps to getting the most out of your list and creating a data management plan for future lists. It is important to take care of the list after purchase to keep the value of the contacts. If your sales data list isn’t accurate, you’ll end up wasting your company’s most valuable and precious resources – time & money. We ensure that our lists are accurate by keeping them up to date through scrubbing (phone & address registry)  and AI testing.

Have a plan

It is necessary to create a plan once you have acquired a data list. Answer the questions; who is your target market, when will you contact them, and what channels will you use to reach your desired market. Conversion Marketing’s data lists can be filtered by categories like age, gender, marital status, language spoken, number of children, home value and more. This allows for precision targeting for the greatest chance of converting a lead into a sale. Then decide your plan of action of when and how you will be contacting them to start building a relationship.

Utilize a Call Center

Once you have a plan in place, begin calling the most attractive leads and building rapport with them. There are many benefits to selling over the phone to your clients. You can directly reach out to the most amount of leads covering a wide geographic area and it is more personal than a cold email. An email can be easy to ignore if you don’t know the person it is from, but having a conversation is more intimate and creates a relationship. Reaching people on the phone also means you have their undivided attention and can give them your best sales pitch. Once you have made your calls, update your data list with the information you gleaned from your call efforts. This ensures that if you try to reach out to them again at a later time, it won’t be a cold call but a check-up from a previously established relationship.

Follow Up with an Email Campaign

After creating a plan and utilizing a call center, it is best to follow up on the initial call with a personalized email campaign. First, make sure the subject line is intriguing and grabs their attention. Then, take the time to mention something specific you spoke about on the phone and then reiterate the selling points of your product or service. Do this for each phone call you made in step 2. Then keep following up and show how you are creating value or filling a need they have.

Conversion Marketing makes it easy to get the right data into the hands of your salespeople. Our data is collected and prescreened to help you get the highest ROI on your marketing and sales efforts. Contact us if you’re ready to increase your sales efforts today!