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Will a Sales Script Help My Solar Conversion Rates?

Business owners in the solar industry have plenty of advantages on their side already. With a national conversation already underway about energy conservation, the reality is that most people are already thinking about how they can both save money and the planet at the same time. 

So if your conversion rates aren’t living up to your expectations, you might consider how a sales script could be of some use. We’ll look at the pros and cons of a script for prospective solar customers and whether it can actually improve your numbers. 

The Nature of a Sales Script 

A sales script essentially spells out what you want people to say to customers, depending on who they are and what they want. Ideally, you’ll have as many sales scripts as you have stages of the funnel, meaning your sales team won’t dive into details before the customer understands the basics. In every script, you need to list out the points that the sales team is expected to say. This can be done either as a general outline or as sample dialog. 

Why Write a Sales Script?

The reality is a sales script gives a sales team clear objectives about what to accomplish when they’re on a call. Even the most experienced professional can forget a crucial detail, one that can irreparable alter the relationship you have with the customer. If you prepare for this possibility, it can mean continued loyalty and stronger referrals too. 

You may have avoided sales scripts in the past because they seemed forced, but a good salesperson will use the text as a springboard into a real conversation. As long as they cover the necessary material in each script, they can still use their unique personality to connect with the customer on a deeper level. 

The benefit of the script is that the customer hears everything they need to hear before they make a decision. This way, they can’t claim that they weren’t told about the price of the panels or the zoning ordinances of the neighborhood. 

Even in an age of screening, it’s still possible to build a client base by having conversations with them. Whether it’s in person or over the phone, it needs to start from a standpoint of reciprocity. Yes, you’re selling a person something, but you’re also offering them a product and service that is worth more than the sticker price. Getting started could be as simple as pointing out how much money people save on utility bills if they have solar panels. (Stick with data from the demographic’s neighborhood and you’re that much more likely to catch people’s attention.)

Driving the Point Home 

Sales scripts can be found online for free, or you can take the time to write one on your own. It can be an incredibly valuable exercise, particularly if you want to express your value to customers in your own words. You can try writing out two scripts for the same stage of the funnel, and then running the numbers to figure out which one worked better for you. 

However, if you’re already swamped on a regular basis, it might make more sense to let an expert handle the specifics of the calls. At Conversion Marketing, our team is trained to relate to customers without glossing over the details of the solar industry. If you want to learn more about how we help our clients in the solar industry meet their quotes time after time, contact us today.